Going to The Next Level

Workshop Quick Summary

Workshop: THRIVE: Living an Actualized Life

Category: Personal Growth

What: A 5-day experiential workshop that uses psychodrama to take you to the next level of recovery through an action-oriented process focused on releasing old patterns and worn out roles and embracing new ones

Who: helpful for anyone (especially alumni) dealing with a wide range of issues

Cost: $3,950 (includes meals, evening activities, Brain Center and gym access).

Lodging: Reserve single or shared on-site rooms



Meadows Senior Fellow Tian Dayton, MA, PhD, TEP

Workshop Architect

"We need to feel our feelings in order to translate them into words, elevate them to a conscious level, and think about them. Paying attention to those parts of us that are hurt and hidden, those emotions that are frozen and keep us stuck, frees up energy that can be used to enhance our resilience and allow it to strengthen. Until they are felt and put into language, they remain locked in the body in the form of unprocessed sense impressions, in which case they can contribute to muscle holding and illness.”
Read more from Dr. Dayton in these recent blog posts:

Find Dr. Dayton’s full bio on our Meadows Senior Fellows page.

Read More

All About This Workshop

Designed by world-renowned psychodramatist and Meadows Senior Fellow Tian Dayton, MA, PhD, TEP, THRIVE is an experiential intensive that takes you to the next level of recovery. Hanging onto old pain keeps us preoccupied with our past and anxious about our future, rather than living in the present. Releasing dysfunctional roles and embracing new ones empowers us to experience our full potential. But before we’re able to release worn out roles, we need to give voice and shape to them. This action-oriented process will provide a unique opportunity to engage in an exploration that will lead you to a greater sense of aliveness and purpose: a life-changing new experience carved out of time to energize and revitalize — to live your actualized life!

The workshop will emphasize:

  • Forgiveness
  • Resilience training
  • Post-traumatic growth
  • Consolidating recovery gains

$3,950, which includes meals and evening activities (yoga, tai chi, auricular acupuncture, live music), 12-Step meeting, Brain Center access, and gym access.

To THRIVE is to:

  • Engage more fully and mindfully in your relationships and day-to-day life.
  • Embrace a deepened and more purposeful sense of self.
  • Expand and revitalize your life roles.
  • Energize, forgiving the past to live more fully in the present.
  • Empower, taking ownership of your own healing and attitude toward life.

Lodging and Transportation

Lodging is available at the Rio Retreat Center on a first-come, first-served basis. Rooms are simply appointed and designed to be conducive to the process of healing and recovery. We offer both shared and private rooms. For those staying on campus, transportation will be available from and to the Phoenix airport with three convenient pickup times. Details will be sent with your confirmation email upon completion of the sign-up process.

The Fine Print

Workshop groups run Monday through Friday from approximately 8:30 am to 4 pm. The schedule is somewhat flexible to accommodate the size of the group and the group process. Evening programming is provided after dinner. The Rio Retreat Center campus is strictly alcohol-and drug-free, and we have a dress code, cell phone, and smoking policy.

For more details about this workshop and to register, please contact us to speak to a Workshop Coordinator.



Feb 17 - Feb 21, 2025

Apr 28 - May 2, 2025

Oct 27 - Oct 31, 2025

Dec 8 - Dec 12, 2025

Quotes icon

"THRIVE was my first experience with psychodrama, and all I have to say is (HOLY S***) …. I had reached a point in my recovery where I was four years sober, loving and embracing every minute of life. On the inside, I felt something missing, something heavy, but I couldn't figure out what that was.… The week of THRIVE will forever be the start of the biggest turning point in my recovery journey thus far. It launched me into a deeper level of processing and letting go of any and all things from my past that were still holding me back. I have never cried so much, nor have I felt that kind of weight lifted in my life. Being able to be open, and to acknowledge, accept, and release toxicity that was still lurking gave me the biggest gift and afforded me to engage back in the relationship with the one person that matters most: me.”

Workshop participant