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The Lasting Effects of Religious Trauma

November 20, 2023

What happens when we experience trauma or abuse from within our faith community? The ripple effect of spiritual trauma runs devastatingly deep.

Faith and spirituality — and the religious upbringing that built those concepts in our lives —  profoundly shape how we live as adults. For many, religion is the soil in which everything else about us is grown, including:

  • Our discernment of right and wrong
  • How we view the world and value what’s in it
  • The community and social connections we have
  • Our perception of culture, identity, even sexuality
  • Our sense of well-being, ability to cope, and resolve conflict
  • How we dress, what we eat (or don’t eat), and the rituals and habits of our days
  • Life choices like vocation and relationships

But what happens when we experience trauma or abuse from within our faith community? The ripple effects of spiritual trauma run devastatingly deep.

What Is Religious Trauma?

So how do we define “religious trauma?” And, what is spiritual abuse? Religious trauma, also known as spiritual abuse, occurs when individuals experience emotional, psychological, or physical harm as a result of their religious beliefs, practices, or community.

According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH), most examples of spiritual abuse involve leaders in positions of authority inflicting abuse or trauma on congregation members, creating a toxic culture that attempts to shame or control its members. PBS News cites recent high-profile cases of religious trauma and abuse involving three of the largest religious institutions in the US: the Catholic church, and the Southern Baptist and United Methodist denominations.

In a recent study shared by the American Psychological Association (APA), of 643 self-identified “religious dones” (people who once were but no longer identify as religious), 21.9% reported religious trauma, such as the hypocrisy of the sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic church.

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However, spiritual abuse is not limited to religious denominations, institutions, or churches. Any person can perpetrate spiritual abuse as a means of manipulating or controlling someone else.

NVDH reports the following signs of a spiritual abuser:

  • Ridiculing religious or spiritual beliefs
  • Preventing you from practicing your religious or spiritual beliefs
  • Using your religious or spiritual beliefs to manipulate or shame you
  • Controlling the spiritual tradition in which to raise children
  • Using religious texts or beliefs to minimize or justify abusive behaviors (such as physical, financial, emotional, or sexual abuse/marital rape)

What Sets Spiritual Abuse Apart?

So how does spiritual abuse or religious trauma differ from other trauma? Though symptoms are similar to other trauma disorders, religious trauma is when fear, confusion, and shame chip away at something beyond what we think or feel. Those who perpetrate spiritual abuse claim and wield the powerful and perceived ultimate authority of Scripture, the church, even the love and acceptance of God.

Abusers in toxic relationships claim to love, as they manipulate, shame, and violate. When abusers use spiritual terminology and Scripture to hold power over the victim, it is still spiritual (among other types of) abuse and can result in trauma.

Signs of religious abuse or trauma include:

  • Deep feelings of guilt and shame
  • Intense mood swings
  • Feelings of loneliness and hopelessness
  • Low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy
  • Trust issues in relationships, decision-making
  • Sexual repression, struggle with sexual identity
  • Extreme anxiety or panic attacks
  • Severe depression or suicidal ideation
  • Deep-seated fear of rejection or criticism

When something as precious as faith becomes entwined with spiritual abuse, control, and manipulation, people who might otherwise find strength and courage in their faith are left holding an empty bag of air. They feel unmoored, unable to depend on the one thing in life that should bring them comfort and peace. When those who are supposed to be the most faithful not only fall from grace, but betray those they are called to serve, once fertile soil becomes a place of desolation and despair.

In this hard, spiritually-confusing place, many of the faithful turn to alcohol or drugs to numb emotional pain — to suppress feelings of guilt, shame, and fear associated with belief — and to escape from the pressure and spiritual conflict of an abusive environment. 

How to Recognize Spiritual Abuse

There are healthy congregations out there. Not all religious leaders, denominations, and churches abuse the power and authority they have in the lives of the faithful. But to identify spiritual abuse, you should ask yourself:

Chances are, if you are feeling fearful or trapped in an environment that is supposed to be supportive and affirming, your intuition may be trying to tell you that abuse is happening.

Is this a place where spiritual leaders or groups …

  • Exert control over individuals’ thoughts, behaviors, and decisions?
  • Isolate people from friends and family?
  • Emotionally manipulate to keep people compliant or obedient?
  • Use religious doctrines to threaten people with divine punishment if they do not obey or comply?
  • Coerce or pressure spiritual practices against a person’s will?
  • Financially pressure individuals to give large sums of money or to work without compensation for the cause or religious leader?
  • Use their position of authority for sexual gain, to coerce individuals into sexual relationships?
  • Censor or limit information that might aid a person’s ability to question the group’s teachings?

Recognizing spiritual abuse is crucial for safeguarding your well-being. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, the spiritual setting is suspect. Chances are, if you are feeling fearful or trapped in an environment that is supposed to be supportive and affirming, your intuition may be trying to tell you that abuse is happening.

A Spiritual Quest for Help

Recognizing the existence of religious trauma and seeking support or therapy is essential for those affected, as it can be a crucial step in the healing process and in reclaiming your life.

In fact, in one study published by The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, religious people who received therapy had lower rates of depression and more positive emotions like gratitude and optimism than those who did not receive it.

Here at Rio Retreat Center at The Meadows, we offer workshops that empower individuals struggling to find a new path of healing, self-discovery, and personal growth.  You may be dealing with emotional abuse or childhood trauma that has left you feeling trapped in an unhealthy holding pattern in your life. Or you may be trying to find your way back to a healthy place after years of spiritual abuse or trauma, in need of a deeper understanding of its impact.

Whatever road you’ve been on, wherever you’re at right now, Rio Retreat Center offers the opportunity to take a deep dive into a particularly painful area of your life and really focus on yourself in a healing environment. With workshops focusing on emotional trauma, relationships, personal growth, and even professional development, you can achieve in five days what might take you a year or two in weekly therapy sessions to accomplish.

Reach out today to learn more about our Survivors I, Mending Heartwounds, and The Betrayal Bond workshops, all designed to help you break free from the hurt of past trauma and abuse and set you on a path to healing and restoration. It’s a small but monumental investment in recovering the life you deserve.