Emotional Trauma
Examining past trauma that impacts your current life
Examining past trauma that impacts your current life
For many of us, the past is still impacting our present. Rio Retreat Center’s Emotional Trauma Workshops can help you address unresolved childhood trauma, get to the root of self-defeating behavior, heal wounds from grief or loss, find closure, and discover the power to break free of unhealthy relationships.
This workshop delves into childhood trauma that impacts current day life. Based on Senior Fellow Pia Mellody’s pioneering work in her book, Facing Codependence, Survivors I is our signature workshop.
Survivors II is an advanced intensive customized to meet the needs of the participants. It is designed for those suffering from unresolved childhood and adult trauma who are seeking healing, as well as those struggling with self-defeating behaviors they wish to discontinue.
In this workshop, a safe, sacred space is created in order for participants to lean into the grief over loss, which facilitates healing. Loss can come in many forms including death of a loved one, loss of one’s health, relationship losses, major life changes, lost opportunity, etc. Cumulative loss over the life cycle is also examined.
This empowering IFS intensive focuses on the internal relationship between parts of the SELF which are adaptations from adverse experiences. Participants focus on processing each of their “parts” in order to return balance and harmony to the SELF.
Combining The Meadows Model, Somatic Experiencing, mindfulness, and natural horsemanship, this workshop allows for a distinct healing experience. The program consists of experiential activities with horses, and addresses self-esteem, boundaries, honoring reality, wants and needs, emotional regulation, and spontaneity.
The Betrayal Bond workshop is designed to help participants free themselves from, and recover from, exploitive relationships, processes, and situations. We tend to think of all bonds as being positive but, they are actually neutral. They can become positive, but they can also become negative. A betrayal bond is a type of negative bond that occurs when someone develops a strong and intense attachment to a person or an addictive process that is destructive to them.
Workshops at the Rio Retreat Center are designed to help you understand your own needs, desires, emotions, habits — everything that makes you who you are. The more you know about yourself, the better equipped you are to engage in healthy relationships and move through life with a positive, healthy sense of self.
The more you know about yourself, the better equipped you are to engage in healthy relationships and move through life with a positive, healthy sense of self.
Healing The Family
Trusted by Professionals
Patient Focused Recovery