Family Matters

Address dysfunction within the family system and build on family strengths

Family Matters is scheduled upon request and requires a minimum of two participants.

In response to demand after piloting this workshop online, we will continue to offer this popular title online through the TEAMS program. This gives families the ability to determine whether an in-person or online workshop best fits their unique needs.

About the Online Workshop

This workshop is designed for privacy and tailored to meet the unique needs of one single family. Establishing a supportive and safe environment by encouraging authenticity, productive communication, and healthy boundaries while working through difficult issues is our objective. During this workshop, family members learn how co-dependent behaviors, trauma, mood disorders, and/or addictions can impact a family system. Family members develop tools to successfully enhance recovery and a relational family system. The primary goal of the workshop is to help members bridge the gaps that have plagued the family system.


Cost is $7,275 for up to four participants and $1500 for each additional family member – that’s 25% off the normal workshop price.

Rio Retreat Online Workshops

Our online workshops are facilitated by the same dedicated master’s-level staff as our on-site workshops and include the same content — all in the safety and privacy of your own home. Rio Retreat’s online workshops are a productive way to maximize time at home by learning new skills while connecting with others going through similar experiences.

Online Workshop Requirements

To participate, you’ll need:

  • a private, quiet location
  • an internet connection capable of videoconferencing
  • a computer or phone with a camera
  • to install the Microsoft Teams app

Register for This Workshop

For more details about this workshop and to register, please contact us to speak to a Workshop Coordinator.

Workshop Goals

The Family Matters workshop is important because it can:

  • Teach family members about how families function in general and, in particular, how their own family functions.
  • Help the family focus less on the member(s) who has/have been identified as ill and focus more on the family as a whole.
  • Help to identify conflicts and anxieties and help the family develop strategies to resolve them.
  • Strengthen all family members so they can work on their problems together.
  • Teach ways to handle conflicts and changes within the family differently. Sometimes the way family members handle problems makes them more likely to develop symptoms.

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