Purposeful Parenting
Redefining Your Family Legacy
Redefining Your Family Legacy
This workshop is currently unavailable.
Workshop: Purposeful Parenting: Redefining Your Family Legacy
Category: Relationships Workshop
What: A 3-day parenting workshop
Who: Any parent who wants to take a more intentional approach to parenting, looking at who they are and the experiences that continue to shape how they parent and what they’re passing down
Cost: $1,500 (includes meals, Bunkhouse or Hacienda lodging, and ground transportation)
Lodging: Friday and Saturday night in a single occupancy room included in price
Facilitator(s): Workshop will be led by one of our talented Rio Retreat staff workshop facilitators.
Workshop Architect
Dr. Tian Dayton holds a master’s in educational psychology, a PhD in clinical psychology, two certifications as a Montessori teacher and is a trainer of psychodrama. She has drawn from this vast background as well as 35 years serving in the addictions field to create a workshop that will help you not only become a better parent but a better you! (Special Note: Workshop will be led by one of our talented Rio Retreat staff workshop facilitators.)
Find Dr. Dayton’s full bio on our Meadows Senior Fellows page.
Today, psychologists are talking more about how we are with our children than what we are doing to them. We parent through interaction, through modeling, through being in the alive, connected, and affect-laden moment with our children. Parenting is a team effort, and while the parents are the leaders of that team, we need to create buy-in from all members to move forward and succeed as a family.
Who we are speaks louder than what we say. We tell our children who we want them to be by how we are; by how we think, talk, empathize, and behave in our own lives. Passing down pain is natural and inevitable. Passing down joy, resilience, and strength is also natural. We stop passing down pain and dysfunction by examining our own pasts and by understanding what from our past relationships, we may be recreating in our present relationships.
Confusing our own inner child with the child we’re parenting is a common outgrowth of living with the kind of dysfunction that can become intergenerational. That dysfunction can be the result of addiction or other issues within the family. In the 1950s, as the idea of recovery became more known, we thought that if we could get the addicted person sober, the rest of the family would automatically be fine — everyone would go back to normal. As the field matured, we discovered that this is anything but the case. Family members who have lived with addiction or other dysfunction have also lived with relational trauma. If that hurt remains unaddressed, it impacts our ability to parent in healthy ways and to thrive as a family.
Changing the legacy is not only possible but probable if we’re willing to invest the kind of time and effort it takes to examine our inner world and our capacity for quality intimacy. This weekend workshop can change your life and the lives of those you love.
$1,500, which includes
Friday and Saturday night lodging in the Rio Retreat Bunkhouse or Hacienda is included in the workshop cost. Rooms are simply appointed with single occupancy (except for couples who may attend).
Transportation is available from and back to the Phoenix Airport. Details will be sent with your confirmation email upon completion of the registration process.
The workshop will run from 1 pm on Friday through 4 pm on Sunday. The schedule is somewhat flexible to accommodate the size of the group and group process. The Rio Retreat Center campus is strictly alcohol and drug-free and has a dress code, cell phone, and smoking policy.
For more details about this workshop and to register, please contact us to speak to a Workshop Coordinator.
Currently unavailable